Product Defect Attorney Mobile AL

Defective products in Mobile, AlabamaIf you’ve been injured because of a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation.

Corporations must offer safe, properly-manufactured products and market them appropriately. If they fail to do so and their mistake results in your injury, they must compensate you. Legally, the corporation has a duty to take care that its products are safe and appropriately labeled and marketed. If they breach that duty, they’re liable for any damage that mistake causes you. You know your injury was caused by a certain product but a defective product lawsuit is complex.

We consult with a wide range of nationally-known experts and specialists who help us determine the source of the defect, how it caused the injury, and what effect the injury has on your life, your career and your family.

Defects can be introduced at many stages of the product’s life cycle: design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, packaging, and sale. Learning when and how the defect became part of the product helps us identify the liable party.

Defective Products

Once we determine who is liable for your injury, we’ll fight to ensure that you receive adequate compensation for your medical care, time off work, and pain and suffering. Our attorneys handle cases involving injuries from defective machinery, tools, appliances, and more due to such issues as:

  • Lack of safety guards on manufacturing, farming and assembly line equipment
  • Badly designed power hand tools
  • Defective ladders
  • Defective welding equipment
  • Improper wiring in electrical equipment and tools
  • Defective earth moving equipment and other road construction vehicles
  • Incorrect valves and defective piping

We help clients who were injured as the results of defective products like these obtain compensation for their expenses, damages and losses.

If you have been injured because of a defective product in Mobile, Alabama, contact our experienced attorneys at (251) 220-2790 for a FREE consultation. We will evaluate your case and may be able to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

If you are in the Orlando area and looking for a personal injury attorney, we recommend our friends over at the Law Office of Modoline Altenor – personal injury attorney Orlando

Charles McCorquodale Law | Charles is Your Local Injury Attorney | Mobile, Alabama Injury Lawyer | Alabama Accident Injury Lawyer